Team Building Facilitation with Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Team Building
Judy Busby of Meeting Facilitators International in Chicago has used the Emotional Intelligence 2.0 on-line assessment as part of team building sessions at Executive, Director, Manager and Supervisory levels. The tool by Travis Bradberry & Jean Greaves, builds awareness of personal styles that improve collaboration and accelerate results.
Emotional intelligence skills are relevant to any person working on a team that is accountable for getting results using effective “people skills”. Unlike IQ, Emotional Intelligence (aka EQ) can be taught and improved using the specific strategies outlined in the book. The idea behind using the tool in team building is that the more people there are on a team with strong EQ skills, the stronger the team will be. What makes this even more effective is the fact that the more others around you model good skills the more likely it is that you will improve upon your own.
Team Building Facilitation
The assessment is by each team member prior to the workshop as a way to learn about emotional intelligence and the role they play when interacting with others. It brings to light their personal and social competence as it relates to emotional intelligence.
The value of using the on-line assessment is that it is objective and data-driven; it compares the person to the millions of others that have taken the assessment and scores their EI skills in the areas of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management.
This workshop is highly interactive. The team members work in pairs, tri-ads, and as a full group reviewing aspects of EI that, if evolved, can accelerate their business performance.
We start the discussion introducing the topic of EI and explaining the basic fundamentals. We then engage the team members in a discussion about the EI elements they uncovered; and conclude with them developing a personal action plan selecting from the 66 strategies outlined in the book.
Once the members commit to their personal development plan, we introduce the accountability partner concept to ensure the skills development occurs and the ROI is achieved for our business client.
At this point, the workshop can conclude or continue focusing on a business initiative. The EI framework is foundational to strategic planning/goal setting and sets the tone for a productive, highly engaged team meeting.
We have received terrific feedback from workshop attendees. At the conclusion of the last workshop a business leader said “this will not only help me at work, but will help me get along with my son better”. EI transcends the business environment – There is no better value than that!
NOTE: We are not associated with the author or the publisher of the book in any way. You can purchase the Emotional Intelligence 2.0 on-line assessment from (This is not a paid link)
This case study is by Judy Busby in Chicago.