Team Building Facilitation using DiSC

Team Building & DiSC

The DiSC model continues to be one of the most popular, non-judgmental tools, used for understanding behavioral types and personality styles.  Since its development, over 5 million people have taken it.

Judy Busby our Chicago Facilitator has used the DiSC model very successfully in facilitated team building sessions.  For those of you not familiar with the DiSC model, DiSC stands for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. It helps surface insights into how people with different styles behave in specific situations. Compared to other tools DiSC does a good job of being neither too complex to be implemented nor too simplistic to be accepted by senior leadership.

Judy is a certified DiSC® facilitator and uses the suite of tools from the DiSC® portfolio during the workshop.

Team Building Facilitation

This team building workshop takes a half a day and can be either a stand alone session or part of a corporate retreat or planning session.

Individuals take the on-line assessment prior to the workshop to gain insight into their DiSC® style.  They are also asked to complete a short pre-work assignment that highlights information from their individual DiSC® results.

Once in the meeting, the participants engage in discussions on their style, the styles of their team members, and how their styles play out in their workplace  interactions. It is important to understand that there is no one “right” or “best” style. Discussions center on the benefits and challenges of  each style and how the different styles impacts the team and the workplace culture.

Participants learn strategies to leverage their style differences to improve communication, trust, and team performance.  The goal is to leverage these learning to improve the team’s performance. The results can also be used for leadership development and coaching when one to one comparisons are made with the results.

To ensure the ROI is achieved from the workshop, everyone identifies specific actions they will take to become a more effective team member. An accountability partner is part of the process to ensure future follow through.

According to the developers of DiSC there are many benefits of the assessment and workshop. These include:

  • Understanding behavioral strengths and challenges in yourself and in others
  • Learning to appreciate the differences and strengths of others
  • Discovering tools for dealing with conflict effectively
  • Enhancing teamwork and reducing team conflict
  • Developing strategies and awareness to deal with diversity of people, their communication styles and needs
  • Reducing personal and organizational conflict, stress, and turnover
  • Improving team communications

NOTE: The suite of DiSC® assessments takes into consideration role of individual and the level of the individual in the workplace. There are specific comparisons for senior executives, mid-level leaders, sales associates, and individual contributors.

This case study is by Judy Busby in Chicago